Friday, April 24, 2009

Inseparable - Shona

For Shona Whitfield, the environment is a major, special part of her life - professionally and personally. It is so significant in her life she finds it difficult to separate herself from it.

Magic & resilience - Matthew & Fergus

A magic place - Matthew
Environmental education teacher, Matthew McKenzie has introduced the idea of a magic spot to the children who visit his facility. The magic spot is simply a quiet, outdoor place where one can be immersed in the natural environment. It is a place to stop and reflect, a practice that children and adults alike can benefit from.

Resilient landscapes - Fergus
As the manager of Little River Landcare Group, Fergus Job has seen the ability of Central West landscapes to heal. He believes it simply requires the will to look beyond the surface.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Legacy - Pip

A champion of rural communities and a mother with great hope for the environment she sees as her children's future, Pip Job believes people are the critical element of the landscape she loves.